Table of Contents

Extended Ahuzacos Vocabulary

A work in progress encyclopedia for extended vocabulary in my constructed language.

Qalomesumi [ Ka-oh-meh soo-meh ]

A form of calligraphy that combines the techniques of Islamic calligraphy and Japanese sumi painting, using reed pens and sumi brushes. Generally two different kind of ink is used: gritty charcoal ink for writing, and sumi ink for brushwork.

Often the sumi layer is applied first, and later detail work with charcoal shading is applied once the sumi ink has dried. Usually bristol board rather than sumi paper is used, because the technique thrives on the papers warping aspect, and the way the ink flows around in the page in water.

Yumemoire [ Yoo-meh moh-i-deh ]

A hybrid port manteau of Yume ( dream, or Reve ), and Moire ( or a type of yellowed fabric ). Generally used to denote the aesthetic of the blurry line between reality and the dream world, in the form of an abstract fabric. Beyond this fabric, everything has a slightly grey-purple tint, while everything before has a slight grey yellow or brown tint tint it.

This is most noteable in regions like the Southwestern US, where sand has a slightly different color than that found in other desert regions like the Sahara desert, Egypt, or parts of the middle east.

Fantajinoir [ Fah-neh tah-ni no-ah ]

A specific type of humanoid or creatures that exist beyond the limits of the "yumemoire", whom both guides the you or the MC on their journey through the world of dreams and nightmore, is the one that caused the rift between the world of dreams and reality.

The first "fantajinoir" was what I call a skull-fairy, that blurs the line btween the grim reaper and traditional concepts of the fairy. For example Milly and Elena, whom Nadine imagined in the form of Ellen and Blanci, can be thought of as a form of fantajinoir.

Seiutonnerre [ Say-Yuto Nay ]

Literally translates to thunder and rain, is a specific type of aesthetic that conveys the emotions of thunder and rain. Specifically an otherworldly thunder and rain with the rain the color of midnight, and the sky a mixture of lime green and almost black purple.

Tranquillekigai [ Dah-neki yeki-gah ]

The constant state of improving at getting lost in creeping tranquility.

Reve Diminuee [ Reh-vay Dee-meh-nu-ee ]

A subset of the surrealism literary genre that is a more grounded cousin. In this case rather them exploring the subconcious, the subconcious bleeds into reality.

Shashimi De L'Oignon

Sashimi with French onion rice as an acommpanyment.

Anos Maimugaroso

A type of mime that relates stories about Loup Garou in Canada and US for Japanese audiences. Rather than dialogue, hand gestures are used to indicate plot progression. Accompanying music uses the Bo ken Tempanon method.

Bo Ken Tympanon

Bokens, or more specifically wooden Tantos, used for improvised Hammer and Dulcimer uses steel strings. This uses the Darushima Scale.