Table Of Contents

Chapter 3 Fina

It was the next morning, that Fina got up. She walked over to the window to go admire the sunlight. Still tired from the outing from the day before, she had not gotten enough sleep from the night before, feeling like a very short dreamless night. She had come to expect this. Fina walked over to the bed, and checked on Nina who was still snoring. It was here that she paused, giving her somewhat of a shorts moments rest. But at the moment, because of the apparent unotice of her presence, Fina slammed the pillow on Nina.

"Ah, Fina what was that for?" said Nina, who pushed the pillow out of the way. Then slowly eased herself up off of the cushion, her bare feet dangling off the bed.

"You don't want to miss the fare do you?" Fina said, then tugged her abruptly by the wrist to stand up. "Let's get packing before mother wakes up."

Nina dreamed about her pet puppy, which was large and golden brown. She remembered her old dog, that died a year before. Or that's simply what they always assumed. In truth it had simply gone missing when she turned eleven. For the that brief moment, Nina felt some bit of joy in her life. The dog was running around, chasing it’s tale. Then it chased after the chew toy in the living room, that Nina tossed in order to play. In the waking world, her mother would have looked at her with her beady eyed gaze.

Nina tired to open her eyes, but it was to much of an effort. Then she squealed when her eyes felt like they were burning do to the very bright glare of the sun that was in her eyes as she looked out of the window.

“Nyah,” Nina said. Quickly covered her eyes, with her night gowned wrist. “Is it morning already, I want to go back to bed now.”

But it was to late to take back any amount of night time, grab it with her hand and wrap it around like a warm cloak.

“Why did you have to get me up so early?” Nina said.

“Stop rubbing your eyes, they are going to become infected.” Fina said. Then pushed Nina, causing her to jump. “We need to make our beds today, you remember where we are going to go to right?” Fina said. Then noticed, by Nina’s expression, that she has forgotten.

“Where are we going to go?” Nina rubbed her eyes.

“We are going to go the winter fare.” Fina said.

“I’ll go get dressed for it.” Nina said.

“But you gotta make your bed first.” Fina said.

“I want to go to the fare now.” Nina said.

"Well we need to pack."

Nina walked over to the decorated closet that was carved out of a very dark type of hard wood. Fina walked over and picked her up, then placed her back on the bed. "We don’t want to make mom angry either. Though I hate them as well.”

Nina went back to her bed. "Hey hey you, are you listening?” Fina said.

“What, what do you want!?” Nina said, placing the pillow over her head.

“We need to make our beds today.” Fina said.

“But I don’t like making beds.” Nina said.

“If you don’t, then I’m going to make my bed. Then I will be able to go to the winter fare, and go without your freckled face.” Nina stuck her nose up, then went through the motions pretending like she was making her bed. Fina was just glad she was able to get her to do any amount of work she could out of the little runt that was an inch shorter to Fina who stood about a five foot six. Her snarly glare, was a tower over little Nina.

Eventually Nina began to take the blankets off of her bed for real this time. Not! She tossed the blankets off her bed. Then tossed them up into the really big wad. This caused such a shock from Fina that she went, “Yip yip yip.” Then chased Nina around the room.

Fina got up the blankets in a wad. “If your not going to have it my way, I’m going to make you have it my way.”

Bernina was sitting on her couch downstairs. She was holding the book that she had purchased the day before. Although she enjoyed it as much as she could, Bernina was not able to focus her eyes on the page. What sealed the nail in that coffin, was the girls yelling voices reached all the way to the other room. Bernina marched up the stairs, carefully stepping her wooden shoe on the first ledge to make sure that she would not fall on her face.

Then walked to their room, decorated with Victorian era bed clothes. “Look at the sheets, they are ruined. What explanation do you have for this behavior.”

They stared.

“Now girls, if you going to make yourself loud, then swish at the dishes. Don’t miss any single dishes by the time your father gets home. Oh, I want him to know that your are cleanly little girls. What do you think I’m going to tell him!” She shrieked, hissingly. Then with the coldest stare, with the tinniest little eyes. “And sing the tune of good tidings, on your way.”:

Fina thought. Doing the dishes, is not for me. Oh no sir ree, watch us go and ignore the bugs that crawl, underneath the china, and good riddance, watch for those dinged dishes. Ding ding ding.

I see that eternally living fly.