Chapter 9 Fina And Nina In The Coffin Room

At the end of the tunnel, Fina and Nina came upon a large room with a coffin near the wall to the left. The coffin had it’s lid open, they walked closer to see if there was anything inside. But as soon as they reached the coffin, ...“Hey girls, don’t touch that. That’s my bed to my world.” a voice said. It sounded like an unearthly presence, a sound that reminded them more of a low toned screech rather than an actual voice. The two girls turned around, and saw ... a large skeleton man. He was wearing a yellow tropical dress, a pair of wooden sandles, and a fruit cap. “Oh are those brownies!” the skeleton man said. The girls jumped up, and started walking backwards.

“What do you want, don’t hurt us.” Fina said.

“It was Fina’s doing, I swear.” Nina said.

“Girls girls, nobody is going to hurt anybody today -- hey wait.” The girls started running before the Grim Reaper discussed as a tropical harvest god could finish his sentence. He started chasing after them so he could finish what he was saying, then clarify what he meant. But it was no use. Eventually the Grim Reaper -- a dethrone king of the sands of grey, fallen his sons army of rebels. Fina and Nina stopped running abruptly, when they encountered the chef. The long curly black haired chef was furious with eyes like flames of red -- and started walking closer over to them. Then when he saw the comedic ghastly looking entity -- he switched. “Oh! My lord!”

“What, what’s going on?” the Grim Reaper said.

The community had built a tomb for the skeleton man, in order to prevent the withering of the crop for another year. But the skeleton man looked just as confused by their presence as the Chef was to his. “What’s going on here, I simply came to hide from -- but never mind. ... I’m here now. Now give me those brownies, they look delicious.” The Grim Reaper then walked to the girls. “Now to clarify what I meant, it’s not good to be poking around in peoples coffins." Chef looked over at the Grim Reaper in the very obviously elaborate fruit cap get up, and resisted his temptation to laugh. “Now I did ask about the brownies. Did you bring those for me?” Grim continued.

It wasn’t every day that one might encounter anything supernatural that could talk. Let alone a -- not just the Grim Reaper -- but a tropical Grim Reaper. “I’m sorry these girls stole your brownies, I was meaning to wait to serve the first one to you, and then.”

“Would you shut up, already.” The girls and skeleton said.

“Yes sir.” The chef said.

Eventually the skeleton piped up and said, “Now girls, I want to take you two on an adventure. And then I will take you to back to your world when your done. We are going to learn about the beauty of the universe, and all the meaning of it. Or just save you from that talkative psycho over there.” The skeleton then took out his scythe. “Chef mango, tell your people that I am no god. I have simply come to -- get some fresh air -- sheesh Louise.”

The skeleton then took them into the portal into his coffin, and then took them to his world.

“Wait, take me instead.” The girls and the skeleton man were gone, sooner than the Chef could finish talking.

Chef ran out of the tomb screaming.

The skeleton man went through the portal -- which glowed in a swirling large purplish blue glow, and he and the girls were screaming. They arrived into the volcanic sky of the world of death. With his skeleton wings outstretched, he caught the girls falling, and then held the two tight. He then slowly flew down to the charred dirt floor below. “From this point on, we are going to need to walk, I need to contact the witch doctor to restore my wing endurance.” The skeleton man released the two girls from his grasp of wings.

And he pointed for the next settlement. But he was concerned: Boldly going where all the skeletons shed their bones, all the sunlight un-bled. Everyone here is dead. Coldly we stare into the night. All the skeletons shed their bones, and stare nto the sky.

Back in the morning world.

“Have you seen our children Chef, I’ve heard that a couple of girls have gone missing. And I feared the worst.” Lucas said to the Chef, but the young Chef was to distraught over seeing the skeleton god of death.

“Where are the girls Lucas, I told you you should have never left those girls behind. Why did you have to go to the other brownie rack?” Bernina said.

“I told them not to wander off.” Lucas said.

“I have seen him.” the chef said.

“Seen who?”

“Our God.”

Fina and Nina bolted ahead of the skeleton man. So he started running after them, to warn them of things that go bump in the night. “Girls girls, please be careful. There are demons about.” And they were laughing at the skeleton man, who was trying to look out for them. So he slammed his scythe, and they flew to the ground. “I mean it, stop right there -- go no further. This is a war zone girls, we need to hide quickly.” The girls looked at the skeleton man confused. Then started running again.

“Girls girls, you're making this harder than it needs to be. Eventually he caught up with them. But they came across someone, the skeleton has met before. Their fallen skeleton king knew who she was, but Fina and Nina thought she was just another one of the girls. Of course, until Banaecia turned around.