
My Issue With A Specific AI Company

I’m going to go ahead and get this blog post out of the way, so I wont have to approach the same topic again later ( even to answer questions ). When you have a social media presence, there is certain consistent image that you are expected to keep. It doesn’t really matter what business it is, it could be AI or harvesting peanuts. But the idea is to maintain consistent presence with that image, and post often enough so that you are remembered. You certainly don’t want to suddenly stop posting, and then completely kill your Twitter. I say thi despite preferring to be a Mastodon user.

With this specific AI company, the one that advertises itself as producing synths, or very human like robots, it had been very good and maintaining professional appearances and consistent brand image for some time. Perhaps it was under different management, that could have been why. But in any case, this company, that was owned by another AI company, suddenly took the kill switch on their Twitter profile. Now I’m no fan of Twitter, but usually the reason you would do that would be to transfer over to a new social network where it is easier to brand yourself. For me this is why I turned to blogging.

However, to this date, that company does not own any kind of social media presence, other than the art channel of this one developer. Which is fine, I also maintain an art channel. And I also struggled to maintain a consistent brand image, but in my case I also had never been someone that produced an AI startup. I had always been one that worked in Free and Open Source Software. For those who know, the dynamic of such circles is completely different.

I was prepared to write off this company, as something I was no longer interested in tracking their progress on. I was going through a lot at the time, with the frustation of a lot of the bullshit that was happening in this other AI community chatroom. ( You will notice that in a lot of AI development communities, free and open source software isn’t looked highly upon, and it’s a lot of why I do most of my development on Gitea instances these days ). So it only made sense that when the original company I am referencing shut down their Twitter, that I took the matter personally as something that I did.

So then I found out, well that person is still doing Youtube videos. But now those videos have their comments locked down, and their likes to dislikes turned off. Which is beginning to make me wonder if some of these issues extend far beyond the Marvel and DC comics, if in fact the whole thing with company not seeking viewer feedback is a problem of wider scope. You could probably imagine my frustration. The entire management of their brand is completely off kilter. Which makes me wonder what is going on behind the scenes.

I wish this company luck in their future endeavors, but I have absolutely no interest in frequently keeping up with what they are doing again. It simply isn’t worth the misunderstanding. All that I ask is that you also let me have my own thing. Which happens to be other kinds of robot development, and you don’t try to interfere with that business.