
Why We Need Ubiquitous AI To Secure Our Freedom

AI is one of those tricky topics that is difficult to discuss. Either you end up attempting to discuss it with people that fear monger about it, without a real understanding of how it works. Or they create false hopes about the process, and setting up people that buy in for failure, while treating outsiders basically like crap.

More than ever, however, we need to take artificial intelligence back into our hands rather than letting large bodies try to monopolize the distribution of artificial intelligence. I know this one guy that has been trying to get me to buy into Craig Wright, who has been somewhat of a persona non grata in the Cryptocurrency for some time, much like how Alan Turing had been until he was vindicated many years later. It always seems like every true innovator goes through that process. They certainly aren’t CEOs that try to confuse Decentralization with being Distributed / Federated.

For a long time, I pretty much had the dream of having my content hosted on the fediverse, in a Federated alternative to something like Github. Gitea is somewhat like this, although it is not presently serialized over activity pub. But with firms trying to change the narrative to support the blockchain, they’re basically setting themselves up for an AI Winter worse than even the first one. Somehow they’re thinking this new AI Winter wont happen. Or if it doesn’t happen, what comes out certainly will not be distributed, only the currency itself will be decentralized.

And this is a problem for those that wont to keep a relative amount of autonomy, so they can be their own Alan Turing or Craig Wright within their own development domain. Some of us aren’t necessarily wanting to build artificial general intelligence that is a large data center. Some of us want to build Micro-AGIs, that can fit inside of a thumb drive. And letting people fork it at their leisure. In this way it legitimately becomes something that is actually distributed, in the way that the founders of The Fediverse had in mind. Thus hosting your source on Github would ultimately be counter productive.

You don’t need every single programmer moving to Gitea, however you need just enough programmers to move onto that distributed platform, to potentially rival the monopoly around blockchain technology that is slowly forming. We need to take back the means of Artificial Intelligence, otherwise we may not have control over this beast that is slowly forming.