
How To Reshape The Comics Industry

The concept for Hafestran Rose

The distribution route I was considering, sense I’m consider the mixed media magazine publishing business: the primary magazine will be online, and will feature music, poetry, short stories ( prose ), serialized fiction, short comics, serialized comics, models, and constructed language media.

But not merchandise ( except maybe mugs and tee shirts. )

My goal is to discourage the kind of speculator market that existed in the 90s, and be more like how Mad Magazine, Heavy Metal, and Playboy would later become. But change how things get licensed: rather than licensing characters, which I consider a flawed model, I’m considering licensing Settings instead. A bit like how Dungeon And Dragons would license the DnD setting. My setting would be set in Franco-Japanese America, after the US empire has crumbled, and exists as alottments of the French and Japanese empires.

I really really really like the Tabletop RPG model, though I’m not considering doing Games at this time. But characters would be creator-owned. Sort of like the concept of a shared world anthology. I would work with other people that have suggestions whether to do weekly, monthly, and annually. Actually a really good comparison to me would be RPG Maker Magazine. And no, not like Wattpad / Tapas and other places. I genuinely despise User-Generated content. As it removes the flaws of assigning writers and artists in house ( licensed content ), and go entirely in the opposite direction.

Print versions would be a means of advertising, and done in newsprint in black and white format. And sold on news stands, I neglected to mention. Also editors should also be writers, or have some knowledge of the creative process in magazines like Apex, Asimovs, Fantasy And Science Fiction.

The magazine would also need to be an onion / ipfs service to circumvent CCC and Cancel Culture.