
Anti-Trust Hearings And Comics

Anti-Trust Congress Hearings

I feel like the current events with the Top 5 CEOs, and what is going on in the comics industry should not be taken in isolation of each other. DC and Marvel are every bit as much of a Trust as Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google are. It is also note able that they have not asked that they haven’t gone after Jack Dorsey.

For those who don’t know, Facebook is one of the largest platform for writers behind Twitter. It is where most authors set of their pages, for those without web development skills. For example, for those who market their comics, this is where they promote their books. I can’t help but feel like there will be a trickle down effect into the entertainment sector, but the events that will happen at this anti-trust hearing.

Although Twitter’s CEO has not personally been asked to be seen before congress ( which strongly implies what political slant is actually the establishment viewpoint ), it will have residual effects in the way that Twitter will be able to operate.

In the Comics world, DC and Marvel are already struggling to survive the current climate anyway do to people trying to make themselves look at certain way, despite being every bit as racist as the people they are trying to cancel. Ultimately this is going to be a compounding factor, the anti-trust hearing, in how the largest comics companies will also operate moving forward.

This is why we need to not focus so much on woke scolds or comics gate, but focus on the larger economic perspective. As Twitter continues to act desperate to survive, and they’re the only viable centralized media hot spot, people will start to look for other options if this turns out not to be a farce. I started keeping my profile locked down in private, because of how Twitter has been.

Twitter has been crucial for allowing DC and Marvel to promote themselves, as television advertisement slowly goes the way of the dinosaur. Then DC and Marvel will have to compete in a decentralized social media ecosystem.