
How I Got Burnt Out By Fantasy Fiction

Before I doubled down and became a fiction writer, the primary means of fiction I used to consume was by route of fantasy video games, with JRPGs as the specific sub genre. I had preferred JRPGs do to its combat mechanics. However, over time the stories itself rapidly began to lose my attention. I had also been reading fantasy manga like King of Hell, among others. In that time I became aware of tropes that grated on my nerves.

But now that I’m taking a break from science fiction, I’m not entirely sure what kind of stories I want to write next. My last story I outlined, ended up actually being shorter than I was imagining it would be. Which means either continuing this story I wrote, or perhaps writing a new story with that old story as a launching point. Although after starting comics, I simply hadn’t had the energy to pursue writing prose further, even though it used to be the main thing I wrote. I’m tempted to take another stab at fantasy.

Sense I have written a book where I had resolved a lot of my personal issues and the tropes I came to dislike in fantasy, I feel like I can write a story that exists on its own terms, rather than as an attempt to try to subvert the genre. But because I’m so used to writing science fiction, I find even when I try to write horror or fantasy, some element of science fiction always ends up slipping in.

For example, I can’t seem to write a normal horror story without slipping in some form of mind uploading. Not sure how I’m going to approach writing my next series I have in mind.