
How Comicsgate And Breadtube Became More About Interventionism Than Consumer Advocacy

This article will explain why the original reason I was drawn to communism, was because I had assumed people literally meant government management by smaller decentralized communities. Instead, what has happened, because of Racialized Identity Politics, it has turned communism into basically an alternative form of capitalism where social clout is traded instead of cash. In both cases people are encouraged to not see past a person’s race, and evaluate their character. But rather are encouraged to not cross contaminate each other’s physical spaces. Furthermore, American communism has created new identity groups to further divide the working class, rather than unite and agree to live in decentralized smaller communities. In a sense, it is not really about economic policy at all.

For those who have never been on the Capitalist side of the fence, at its core capitalism basically encourages people to go for broke: invest everything up front to make in the hope of making the most amount of money. This is all ruined when you insert things like cult of personality dynamics, in the case of “consumer advocacy” movements like Comicsgate and Teamcomics, where people are encouraged to vocally boycott creators they have political disagreements with. In a sense, while such groups are not Fascism, they operate in a similar way to fascism. But not in the way that “woke identity” people will have you believe.

Rather instead “Consumer Advocacy” movements, an amazing demonstration of double speak if I ever saw one, for purpose of gas lighting consumers, act as a form of corporate intervention in state affairs, by having people explicitly encouraging consumers to not buy from places that have a different political affiliation ( generally of a progressive nature ), by denying them the right to the fruits of their labor, despite people’s creator effort being as good as anything a “Conservative” creator might like to produce. I created MangaExit as a healthier alternative to Comicsgate, but found myself basically gaslighted by the same people that say the reason they started their group was for “Consumer Advocacy”.

This is because Comicsgate has never been about consumer advocacy, rather for them “the consumer” is the Kickstarter or Indiegogo platform itself. Being that do electronic magazines, despite some people on this side of things seeming to encourage, in practice actually would prefer you not start your own small business, because that takes away from their market share. With this in mind I don’t think the answer to this is doubling down on either Communism or Capitalism.

The problem is the people that are most calling out Comicsgate, are not actually against the implied interventionism that that movement heavily implies, but simply disagree with Comicsgate because they’re not choosing to pretend to be Woke, while robbing people blind. In a sense, Comicsgate exposes the flaws of Mainstream Comics by essentially being Mainstream Comics at its logical conclusion.

Breadtube has gone in a similar direction, turning communism into essentially a marketable asset, without really understanding the core merits behind “Decentralized Communities” not based on race. In a sense Breadtube is the same as Comicsgate, as its mirror image.

It has become “Racialized Communism”. MangaExit needs to prepare for this fact, and disevow the Identity Politics that has crept into Breadtube, Comicsgate, and Mainstream Comics, if we have any chance of fighting against the heavily Wokified division caused by people who secretly admire “Corporate Interventionism In Small Businesses”, the right-wing equivalent of having the state attempt to crush Anarchist and Libertarian groups.

We also need to not distance ourselves from Comicsgate, but learn from their mistakes, and not turn people away that got swept into CG’s cult of personality.