
My Conlang Is Almost Useable

My constructed language is almost use able as a language to protect my freedom of speech. Obviously the fictional language doesn’t have the capacity for racism, unless one redefines the meaning of the word racism to mean using a different language than English, although at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the regressive left did try to do something slick like that.

There are some words that are not present in it at the moment, like different kinds of tree nuts, computer devices. Also prepositions and conjunctions as well. But it’s also in the very early stages. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to go this right to not receive harassment from neither side of politics that really shares my interests in any way.

I want my work to be revolutionary, not because it advocates for direct action, but because of genuine profound ideas about human nature, without having to filter it through idealogies that neither are actually particularly revolutionary: Anarcho-Communism or Anarcho-Socialism. My work represents a kind of revolutionary that is geared toward a time when a country is split apart by different colonial powers that wants to force their language on us. In my science fiction this is the French and Japanese, but in reality it is between Socialism and Fascism.

I feel much freer now as I continue to try fleshing this out. Hopefully this will ultimately minimize the amount of grief I recieve from either side of the authoritarian side of politics.