
Poison Stocks

For those who don’t know, people usually think of Birkenstocks as being “man repellent”. Maybe it’s just because I’m not a man. But that can’t be further from the truth in my case. In fact the only way to be repellant, is not to dress in such a way as to want to wank to the mother in Terminator. Usually what ends up happening is “man repellant” outfits end up actually being kind of a huge turn on for me, especially those particular shoes. At worst, Poison Ivy look like a really young and hot grand mother.

I could go into an infinite number of reasons why those are a turn on for me, but that’s not the point. My point is I legitimately curious why DC comics would try to make such like that a political statement, when more often than not, it’s actually religious right nut jobs, or hippies that wear those. I would be interested in finding out what the story behind the decision was. It seems like a really cheap way to get fans of a series. Especially considering that the Whisper Network is still kind of in full force.

It almost seems like the Whisper Network is trying to bait certain creators, even disfellowshipped trans women like myself. Note that it’s not working, as that’s not going to make me buy a product that is only in ebook form. Maybe if it were someone like EVS, than yea maybe that might lure him to buy a DC thing. But I never read DC comics growing up as a teen girl, that’s not going to certainly change not that Poison Ivy has some good fashion sense.

I do admire though that DC is trying to troll anti-woke people, but they’re making the assumption that I’m anti-woke I guess.

I’m probably more woke than you.