
Political Stories Are Not Always "Pandering"

Or why just because something has a socialist message, this doesn’t mean that someone is pandering. It just means they’re not a sociopathic exploiting the cancel culture fiasco.

We need something better than what Mainstream Comics and Westboro Comicsgate has to offer for people: I believe in socialist messages and causes, but I also absolutely disdain the platitudes and Cancel Culture that tends to happen. In almost everything single case, cancel culture hurts minority creators more than it hurts people like Sweetcast. I shouldn’t have to deal with not upsetting the apple cart, for sake of not being divisive.

Some of us believe in a socialist message, we just don’t believe in misrepresenting minority groups, or letting non minorities falsely depict us. Some of us want to be able to write stories that are political and controversial, but do this with class and finesse. And this brings me to the point I would like to make.

Just because something has a socialist message, does not mean that equate to propaganda. For example, stories that have an overall message that don’t go out of their way to preach at you as a reader, is not even remotely in the same category as movies promoting the Hitler Youth and Soviet Union “think pieces”. And yet so far this is who has dominated the voice of Indie Comics.

People who probably don’t even know what political science means, let alone understand that social issues is not the same thing as economic leftism. And yet here they are, telling anyone that is to the left of them ( and that could just be a normal Liberal, center-right by Western World standards ) that they are producing propaganda if it’s something they disagree with.

What if I told you I also thought @sketchygothandz was a dumb ass, not because she is producing propaganda, but that she is not even decent by Leftist standards. Most of us understand the necessity of third party voting. She is basically doing Comicsgate’s work for them by agreeing to argue with them on their terms, rather than completely dismantling that system. My suspicion is because at the core of people like Heather Antos, SJW Spiderman, and other of their ilk, they’re not actually interested in systemic change, despite doing that tap dance. Then asking us to basically vote for Biden.

So those of us who produce normal political stories, that isn’t propaganda like Hitler Youth movies and Soviet Union propaganda, are left essentially without a voice in the Comics community. This is where #MangaExit comes in.

Lets take back the comics discussing, and promote causes we believe in without giving into the Neo-Liberal and Fascist tap dance.

At the moment talking about real issues are impossible no matter what side you choose. Lets change comics so we can more efficiently talk about genuine outrages like what Kyle Kulinski is referring to: