
Putting Pronouns In Your Bio Doesn’t Make You Trans

Or how actual trans people are not actually working to prevent conservative people from getting jobs in the Comics Industry.

There is a consistent problem I’ve been having on Twitter, and it is related to the fact that the Far Left is claiming to support minorities. What actually happens in practice is instead of actually supporting trans people and what we want, instead you have people who are not members of any minority group doing minimum changes by misappropriating trans issues, and trying to speak on behalf of actual trans people about our issues.

Simply dressing up as a stereotypical plumber, does not make you qualified to act as a plumber. Being trans is a not a verb, nor is it a career choice. It is an inconsistency between what your body presents, and what your mind is. In a sense, a female brain in a male’s body. Someone born female that dyes her hair a funky color, is not a trans woman. People like this are not even trans men. And yet there is the people acting as figureheads, and acting in plus of actual trans people excluding people from getting jobs in the comics field.

With behavior like this, is it any surprise that even Lefties like myself are concluding that going into Indie comics might actually be a better route? Especially when you have non trans people trying to cancel trans people for doing things like giving J.K. Rowling by buying her books. This is not what actual trans people want. Actual trans people prefer to be left alone, and not put in the public spotlight. This includes not promoting an extreme Gender Critical idealogy either, which is the exact same thing as Gender Abolition, but in reverse. Both people are working to roll back trans issues back to the 1950s.

These are not people who I want working as editors in Comic Industries. I simply want to live my life as a trans woman, take hormones as I need to, get whatever surgeries I need ( and it does involve surgeries ). I have no interest in necessarily preventing Conservative people getting Comics related jobs, that is absolutely ridiculous. The people that are doing this are not trans people them self, and pretending to speak on our issues.

Please stop pretending like this is what trans people want. This is what a bunch of non trans-people with access to higher education want. It took a long time for me to even admit that I was conservative in terms of issues like Public Displays Of Affection because of shit like this. The problem with Industrial Blacklisting is not the fault of trans people, it is the fault of not trans people pretending to speak about our issues.