
The Left I Sign Up For

For me, I had originally been more of a progressive than even a socialist. I was a little more left-leaning than a Berniecrat, before I had run across Breadtube on Youtube, and other streaming sites. I had agreed to go further left, under an agreement, which they suggested by touting causes like helping to mediate the effects of climate change, supporting a universal basic income, and other services and needs I still agree on. I had went to the left under the idea that the Left would be against the death penalty.

However, how it seems to have turned on, with the way they have made left-wing causes about social issues, and not economic issues ( for example, the death penalty disproportionately effecting BIPOC people ), it became apparent that it seemed like support for minorities were largely just words. With the way that the Far Left also inconsistently supports minority rights, I’m almost left to wonder if they would also be inconsistently anti-capital punishment: specifically, because of the way the Far Left has attempted to redefine words like Transphobia, a part of me is almost curious if they end up, as a side effect, end up actually supporting capital punishment of minorities, because constantly redefining the definitions of what those minorities are.

For those who don’t know, I used to have some amount of bigotry toward Spanish and French people, as residuals from a lasting grudge I had had every sense fifth grade. This meant it took all the strength I had to gradually let go of those issues. It had also been the catalyst for why I ultimately abandoned even the minimum support for capital punishment punishment that I had. As I knew that particularly those of Hispanic culture, part of the larger person of color community, were more likely to be sentence to death than white people.

However I’ve been watching a video on how there is a disturbing about anti-Simetic sentiment that exists on the Far Left, despite however much they may claim to support all sorts of different minorities groups, ( I still consider myself a Transwoman who is Robosexual ) it seems that if anything they support, while not capital punishment, certain minority erasure by essentially constantly redefining what it means to be those minorities.

They also make a ridiculous amount of allussions to the Guillotine, and their love affair for this device. And yet it was my perception of the French’s love for the guillotine that I had to overcome hating the French over ( despite France’s own history of being an imperial power, and using The Guillotine as a seige weapon of sorts. ) Sure they might say their support of that device is just a meme, but it not only represents state power ( particularly as a siege weapon from the 18th to early 19th centuries ), but also has murdered a significant amount of peaceful protesters in Nazi Germany.

I came to the left to end the death penalty.

Not redefine who is a victim. This wasn’t the left I signed up for.