
The Oxymorons Of Extreme Left Or Right Anarchism

Or why I reject the ideas of both Anarcho-Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism. Or how a Far Leftist is called Centrist by those more centrist than she.

One of the original reasons I was drawn to anarcho-communism, is because I had initially wanted to learn about communist theory and economic practice. Instead most of what I got was a bunch of high school and college grads on Youtube, who most likely never read The Communist Manifesto, acting like economic experts. And somehow equating “proud identitarianism” with communism. ( Let’s ignore Russia’s history with Anti Jewish, Anti-Asian, and anti-LGBT sentiment, among other issues. )

The thing is one can be a profound racist or bigot even if their economic ideas are sound. And the reverse is also the case. It should also be noted that to have some sort of economy, one needs a small amount of government in place in order to maintain public services. Otherwise you’ll have situations as is currently happening in the US, where they confuse the idea of “Worker Ownership Of Production” with destroying the means of production. I suspect part of the problem is all the different idealogies that exist within Anarchism as well. Although personally I find Anarcho-Transhumanism ( and to a lesser extent Green Anarchism ) preferable.

Although I would prefer Libertarian Transhumanism or Green Libertarianism. But to make matters worse, rather than eliminating system of exploitation, Anarcho-Communism has become this idealogy that uses social clout as a means of do facto abstract currency to win “woke” points. You also have people that advocate for things like Deplatforming Nazis, despite the fact that if anyone is worse than Fascists defanging the word Fascism, it’s “Woke” fascists that police people’s speech.

You have a similar kind of situation with Anarcho-Capitalism. In practice, a lot of anarcho-capitalists basically promote a narrative about extreme social Dwarwinism. You’ll find extreme variations often engaging in the same kind of Identitarian discourse that they claim to dispise so much. ( They only dislike it when it’s used against them, as we can see with movements like Comicsgate ). But what they share is a mutual lack of understanding of people; the only difference is which aspect of people’s personal lives they want to control: Trans Issues for the extreme left, or “why don’t go out and find a job” despite all the evidence pointing to a loss of jobs do to automation.

It should be noted it wasn’t that long ago right-wingers, who claim to support Free Speech, also tried controlling how people behave in their bedrooms during the craze of the Religious Right, in which a lot of jokes about hypocritical Babtist have their origination.

And yet now you have the left advocating for things like regulating what food you eat, and other private matters. To me, I suspect this is also why despite what they may claim about supporting trans people ( I’m a trans woman, however sorry, non binary is not a thing. Trans issues are based on biological sex incongruity ), a lot of the vitriol for trans people is actually coming from them.

In a sense, in practice, they are one and the same: Mirror images of being anarcho-oxymoronic.