
Why I Consider Myself Post-Left

Or why the Extreme Left, while claiming to be tolerant, is genuinely some of the most intolerant people I know. The extreme left isn’t bigoted by right-wingers are calling you bigoted to deflect from their own.

I made the decision that I do not want to associate with the extreme left. For those who know my exact views on issues, you might understand why. Leftism was suppose to be about fighting the power. However to me what the left has become is a thinly veiled excuse to put another form of state power in public office. They are not beyond any kind of tactics what so ever for putting in their people in power. This is why Leftism is inherently Statist, and why I want nothing to do with it.

But one of the tactics that hurts the most, is how the Extreme Left ( note that I don’t mean progressives ) misappropriate trans issues, and use trans issues as a tool to get their people into public office. This is not what trans issues about. As soon as Trans Women / Men stop being viewed as a convenient tool, the left will, of course, leave us in the god damn garbage, because it is never been about fighting for our cause as trans men and women.

We need a movement that is specifically for Trans Women, and specifically for Post-Leftists, who are tired of being used and abused by people that would be viewed as abusers if the right-wingers was doing it. ( With some justification, see Gamergate / Comicsgate ). But what has become apparent is the left will use anything they view as a potential tool to put their people in power.

It has never been about you: it is not about black people, it is not about trans people, it is not about BIPOC people. Their outcry against the extreme right is not because they think storming the capital is itself immoral, they just upset because they did it for individual reasons, and not collectivist reasons. But you can absolutely bet Leftists will storm the capital for “altrusitic” reasons, a word I have grown to absolutely despise the last year or so.

I am all for supporting BIPOC, LGBT, Intersex, Cross Dressers, and even certain kinds of fetishists ( I do actually view sexual lifestyles, if unusual enough, to count as a minority ). What I’m not for however is using us just to get your people into power, and to try to swing an election by force like what Trump people has done.

Leftist are the most transphobic people ever, because they use our needs and wants, and this dispose of us when we are no longer useful to them.