
Why I Call Myself Left Comicsgate

Or why Comicsgate doesn’t have to be exclusively a male dominated and right-wing movement. And why the larger concept of publishing at the big two is becoming increasingly held by both altrustic cooperative types, as well as people that choose to go on to become Enterprenurial types. And how the only people that have to gain by demonizing the largely right Libertarian movement, are Tankies that even left-wing anarchists should not trust anyway.

I had been comicsgate-adjacent ever sense I chose to associate and reach out to Peter Simeti rather than demonize him. If you were Christian ( although I am not ) to me this is closer to what Jesus would have done if I were around to see the fall of the comics industry. And so this was what I felt I wanted to do instead of choose to align with Puritan-esque people that only so happen to be part of the left, but actually do not hold any kind of Anarchist values.

I have been called worse things than just part of a Hate Group, that I was never actually really left-wing at points, simply because I refuse to follow the part line on issues like Gender Abolitionism and Gender Radicalism. This is because I do not consider these are true part of communist theory, and the average members of the working class do not care about these issues.

However Comicsgate has the potential to be a creative movement that can potentially elevate the working class, rather than having a centralized employer. You can even make you movement part of a worker cooperative and market collective: you find this even in mainstream creator-owned companies like Image Comics, one of the few mainstream places I still kind of have respect for.

Rather than alienating members of the Libertarian Right, we should welcome the mantel of Comicsgate into our own ranks on the left, and use it for our own purposes, even if that means coming up with a different platform where true left wing ( not gender abolitionist, or State Communist ) philosophy is given a platform, rather than Fascism or State Communism.

In the next few posts, I will go into specifics about how we can keep some sanity on the left, but going against issues like Cancel Culture, while still being true to our pro working class roots.