The bedroom was little more than a motel room, seperated primarily by a Japanese portable wall that gave a small amount of privacy between those sleeping, and those who cooked breakfast in the kitchenette. The light bled through the openings in the yellowed curtain.
Nadine woke up sleeping beside Blanci, placing her hand on her face and making a growling noise:
BLANCI: Richy, you said this would be the last powder.
NADINE: My name is not Richy, for one thing. NADINE: The other thing is that I have a bad headache… NADINE: that hasn’t gone away since I have gotten here.
BLANCI: Join the club!
NADINE slowly got out of bed.
NADINE: I need some more bullets, so I can pay for this shit.
BLANCI: But we need to save the bullets we have for groceries.
NADINE: What good are groceries, if my head’s going to explode?