This will eventually have its own devoted website here: What Is Yumemoire

Yumemoire [ 夢モアレ ]

Yumemoire - A method of overlapping dream-worlds that create ripples in reality; a type of fabric that enables overlapping dreams. Specifically, this fabric often takes over the fabric of Balcony windows, similar to novels like Peter Pan. With the main distinction being that in the future, such fabric is also harnessed by technology to influence people at the subconcious level.

To learn more about moire patterns: Moire Patterns

Yume No Ninja

A special division of espionage known as “Yume No Ninja”, “Yume no supai”, or simply Dream-Scanners, operate outside the oversight of governments. They have become both proficient in Japanese and French language, do to the strong economic ties between both countries. Do to the nature of dreams having different physical laws from reality, a set of guidelines around exploring the Yumemoire, the dream lands, aids travelers exploration without losing their sanity, and becoming political dissidents.

But such power is often abused.

Prototype For Dreamspace / Frontierspace

Eventually Yumemoire is able to be harnessed at the electro-chemical level, and used as an alternative to virtual reality. The main distinction between Dreamspace and Frontierspace, is that Frontierspace often overlaps with genre tropes in Western fiction, with dreams being a final frontier between the real world and the world of the dead.

World Of The Dead

The world of the dead is an end state where dreams develop symbolism from Gothic fiction. Vampire, whom evolved away from humanity, thrive in this region. Where queens of the dead rule like Zombie Queens, and able to manipulate the real world at an subconcious level. Those who develop “blood fetishism”, are manipulated by such zombie queens.