I remember when I wrote the first few drafts of Uploaded Fairy, I wasn’t expect myself to still be alive by the time I was thirty. I’ve had depression not based on suicide rate statistics, like what Rose Of Dawn might indicate, but rather do to feelings of dysphoria from not properly having my dysphoria being treated. So when I wrote it I wasn’t in my best mental state.

Now it’s impossible to even really talk about gender dysphoria in any kind of meaningful way, and talk about very real depression that causes suicide. But the bulk of that work was largely intended as a suicide letter, which is not something I really feel comfortable mentioning. A lot of people that plug suicide hot lines think they’re helping, but they’re actually kind of making the problem worse.

But Uploaded Fairy can be thought of as a metaphor for gender dysphoria, and the way that distorts your entire world about the world and suicide, and how invisible minorities are more marginalized by improper societal discussing about topics intrinsic to their individual experience. Technically the MC’s are vampires ( technically the same individual across different non-linear reincarnations ), with Nadine overcoming her own inner Hemato-Tomato.

But try having that kind of real conversation, where people are more interested in aping superficial characteristics about comics. You almost wonder if people aping such things know they’re reliving people’s trauma about suicidal ideation and other grim topics. It’s never real said outright, but you know right-wingers hate those who attempt suicide, and it seems like they do everything in their power to encourage it.

I feel like the Trump presidency will cause long term issues in properly discussing LGBT issues and suicide rates long term down the road. I have figured out where a lot of my personal issues came from, whether it’s my issues with Francophone and Hispanic women, but this meant keeping such issues to myself and resolving them on my own.

Imagine being a trans woman and trying to keep your suicide letter in the form of a graphic novel to yourself, and you have far left or far right people trying to feed off of and grift on you. Or encourage you to try to market something that’s basically intended as your last book. People need to realize what they’re doing when they do that.