Why is Jpop better about losing life,
While KPop fails to enjoy the loves of its life.
The ladies whom many seek, and call their wife.
To think that the difference between the genres,
Can amount to something stupid or shameful,
Like how to treat your wife. And yet girls love the sound.

Why is JPop more emotive, when a girl loses her life,
Despite the fact Kpop has a darker way of life.
Perhaps it is these lovely things, that make them come to believe.
That theyre only robots, and not worth being wives.
Or to simply enjoy their life, single or not.
JPop can be great again, like KPop on the dance floor.
KPop can find its shining grace, without focosing on so mucn gore.

Why is it JPop and KPop seem so different.
When we have so much in common. If only friends can see.
Perhaps the girls of KPops really believe theyre only robots.

Despite the charities.
Despite all the good they can do.