With Dreams Not Sacred

Anise’s Stories

The breeze of the wind, give the air a strong chill.

Anise had never gone to see her aunts in this cold weather before. The cart that her and her little sister rolled in, only made the trip a little bit faster. Thus it made it not a bit warmer, and in fact it made the whole arrangement just a little bit colder. Her sister would surely agree, though she didn’t know. It was not worth waiting, till the end of the wind’s blow. Part of her wondered why there was not a way to carry the coal heater onto the cart, after all for such a trip of such length you would think this would be par for the course. Of course in actuality, the trip was far shorter than she imagine. And part of her later wished the trip was longer, as then it would be longer till she would visit her aunts. It had only been a month since she last saw her, but even then there was something off. There was something that made her seem troubled. Her sister was shivering in her seat, her wooden shoes not providing much warmth. So Anise hugged her tightly, and they went along the long trip to see their Aunt Betsy.

When they arrived, mother hammered the can onto the pavement. “Remember to not forget your bags. I’m not going to go after them for you. They’ll become cold, or maybe even stolen. I’m going to head on inside with your father. It’s getting cold.” Their mother’s wooden shoes made an indention in the walkway covered in snow, and as she walked along the stairs. Her little sister Harise hurried along behind Anise. Then they reached the door. Their opened the eye door on the door, and she had those beady little eyes that make you squirm, “So are you two just going to stand around outside?” Anise and her sister giggled, and took their bags to their room.

Once they reached the door to their room, after they walked through the small spiral staircase, they slowly cracked it open. And lo and behold, was a giant bookshelf.

“I’ve never seen a shelf, with so many books.” said Anise.

“Look outside, there are babbling brooks.” said Harise.

“But there isn’t suppose to be running water in this weather.” said Anise, who took her little wooden shoes, crossed her legs on the bed, and peeked out of the window. “Why would there be running water?” Anise had never noticed it before, as she always assumed that no water would be running at this time of year. Harise did not seem to notice, or even particularly care all that much. Anise got up off of the bed, then help her sister finish packing up her luggage so they can finally relax in the cottage. “Hurry hurry, I want to be done by dinner time.” Anise continued. But Harise simply stuck her tongue out at Anise. But eventually they were able to get the task finished.

It was that following evening after dinner, that they spent their fiirst night. At first it was a quiet night where the wind softly blew along Anise’s lightly brown colored locks. Like someone blowing in her ear. But then she jumped when she heard loud footsteps under the bed, a loud bump in the night. Harise woke up suddenly. “Is everything OK Anise?” asked her little sister Harise. “Did you hear something?”

“Can’t you hear it? Something is moving.”

This was just like Anise, despite her being the oldest of both girls, she was the one that always acted like the scared cat. Harise walked over, placed her ear on the bed. Then listened closely. Why off all the times there was nothing, tonight would be the night. Anise said, “Let’s go downstairs to see what it is!” Harise complained about being tired, but Anise jerked her by the arm to make her go with her, as she did not like being alone in basements. They trotted along until they reached the door, and behind it was a steep staircase.

“I don’t know what’s behind there.” said Anise.

“You got me up to come, and your backing out now?” said Harise. Both of the girls carefully walked down the stairs in order to not wake up their Uncle. Once they reached the bottom of the stair case, they saw … nothing at first. “Anise, I told you there wouldn’t be anything.” Then stomp, a stomp, and another stomp in the next room. The room was covered in a thick fog. It was Harise who wanted to go back and go to bed, but Anise pressured her to stay with her again. “If you leave I’ll tell mom I finished your packing.” said Anise.

Both of the girls saw a shadowed silhouette at the bottom. Anise used her lucky charm she always carried around with her on trips. She swung it from her hip, and down and down and down it went to the floor. It bumping on the floor, caused the shadow to become smaller. Then it walked into the hall that they were in. And the figure was …

A black cat. “Really, you had me go downstairs for a cat?” said Harise, slapping Anise in the back. “I’m heading to bed.” Squeek went the rat. But then suddenly they heard something else in the basement. It sounded a little bit like … a bunch of spiders crawling together in a big pile. They walked closer to see what it was, and it was a shadow creature crawling on the marbled floor in the sewing room. “What is that thing?” asked Harise.

“I don’t know, let’s go up stairs.”

Then the creature started crawling toward them, doing crawling cartwheels, with it’s strange spider hive sounds it made. The creature filled the whole room with smoke, and it made it difficult to see. The creature became the figure of a faceless man with red eyes. Then the lights came on. “What are you girls doing down here?” asked her aunt, as the shadow in the room faded away. “You two should be in bed, don’t need you tripping in your clogs in the morning when we take a walk.”

Anise and Harise went back to bed.

But the shadow will still be there. Waiting.

When Anise went into the kitchen the following night, she was careful as to make sure that she would not wake up her sister. She had went to be hungry, because she made the mistake of not finishing her dinner last night.

Her belly growled throughout the evening. She was surprised her sister did not wake up thinking it was a howling wolf in the forest. In the second she quietly rummaged through the shelves in order to see what she could find. But there was no anything special, only old people food. Oatmeal, Brown flakes, the works. It was as she was searching the kitchen, that she found a recipe. Anise found a recipe for … chicken curry and potatoes. While she had had potatoes plenty a time, but it was infrequent that they would have chicken. She wanted to take a closer look in the morning, and thus took the recipe with her.

Anise placed the recipe between her two favorite books. She then quietly went back to bed, in order to dream a night full of dreams. She hoped that her Aunt would not be angry.

Instead it was the next morning, that Anise woke up to screaming. This woke up both Anise and Harise, and they walked into the kitchen to see what all the mess was about. Up, up, up went in the Aunt a big uproar. “What’s wrong Aunt Betsy?” said Harise. The Aunt gave both girls a scowly look, while their mother gave them a smile of reassurance.

“Somebody has stolen my Curry Chicken Potato Recipe.” said Aunt Betsy. Both of the girls look at each other in judging accusation. Then the Aunt hammered her cane down upon the floor of the cobble stone cottage.

“It wasn’t me.” said Anise and Harise in Unison.

“Then who was it?” the aunt asked.

“It was her.” Both siblings pointed to their opposite.

Her mother had already been looking through her room. “Anise, what’s this piece of paper between your two favorite books?” The mother stomped out of their room into the kitchen in a hissy fit. “It’s not good to lie Anise.” Her mother continued.

“But I didn’t lie, Harise put it there.” said Anise.

“Harise is two heads shorter than you.” said their mother.

“Anyway, if you want to try this recipe we can try it tonight. I have already bought the Thai Red Curry paste, and it won’t be to much trouble to buy the ingredients.” said Aunt Betsy.

“But who will stay to keep the girls.” said the girls mother.

“I can take care of myself.” said Anise.

“I’m not worried about you, but Harise.”

It was the following evening that the family joined together at the table. Neither Anise or Harise had tried eating red curry before, out of any sort of meat. Though they have occasionally tried in on vegetables that were “good for you.” The flavor of the past made the vegetables taste mildly better, but neither was still a veggie aficionado. At the table, the Aunt passed around the plates. While their mother helped serve the food. The Aunt thought this was good, because she had to serve the plate to herself while she was all alone. Then Anise took a bite.

“Wow this is spicy, but not to spicy.” said Anise.

“I want to try it, I want to try it.” said Harise.

“Harise, don’t stick your hands in your sisters plate.” said their mother.

“We have all the time in the world to eat tonight.” said the Aunt.

“This is fantastic Aunt Betsy.” said Anise.

“And it was all thanks to your mother’s help.”


Not current news,but I’m thinking of refocusing on just uses a non curses implementation of Yumemoire.