
  • Machine Learning Isn't An End All Be All

    Sure machine learning is currently trending at the moment, in light of news about GPT3. However lets break it down. It seems like so many youtube shows have a very little understanding of artificial intelligence, and use it purely for the purpose of fear mongering. Especially when you actually dig...

  • Image Detection In Ruby, And Why It Works

    In general, you cannot just take a raw image in JPEG format and have a program compare these. The reason is that it ends up comparing the filenames, and not the content of these files. What you need to do is first convert those images to .txt format from JP2A,...

  • Why We Need Ubiquitous AI To Secure Our Freedom

    AI is one of those tricky topics that is difficult to discuss. Either you end up attempting to discuss it with people that fear monger about it, without a real understanding of how it works. Or they create false hopes about the process, and setting up people that buy in...