
  • Politics Bad, Fetish Books OK

    I’m legitimately curious now, considering that the no politics line is basically used to mean “don’t talk politics that doesn’t align with my own”, I almost wonder what these people feel about legitimately pornographic sequential art. Which is … arguably … worse than having comics with a political leaning. Especially...

  • My Issue With Free Software Community

    I used to have a small degree of respect for the free software community. However what seems to have happened was that, over the period of time that they gained influence in the tech community, they started splitting apart based more on political differences rather than based on a genuine...

  • Dystopian Comics Are Inherently Political

    Apparently “No Politics” translates to “No politics that don’t align with my own”. I found this out from a friend of mine, which explains to me why in right-wing graphic novel groups, despite the fact that people say no politics that don’t align with me own, if anything politics is...