
  • Why Indies Are Best Going Solo

    I came into comics with the idea that producing comics was about the art process. I was not expecting comics to be used as a political tool to further a culture warrior cause, whether left-wing or right-wing. I simply wanted to tell a story of “Baguetti Orientalism”. Or an American...

  • An AI Does Not Care About Your Idealogy

    Look you divisive retards on both the far left and far right, I don’t want any kind of dictatorship. But I would rather have the dictatorship, as long as there is some semblance of social stability and cohesion that stems from actually enforcing not taking the opposite view, simply because...

  • How Critical Race Theory Hurts Publishing

    One of the ultimate effects of critical race theory, even if one isn’t very well studied on the academic jargon, is how it negatively effects people chances of being published in whatever arena you desire, and equally compete for gaining recognition for artistic achievement. We see this with Wokism recently...