
  • The Oxymorons Of Extreme Left Or Right Anarchism

    Or why I reject the ideas of both Anarcho-Communism and Anarcho-Capitalism. Or how a Far Leftist is called Centrist by those more centrist than she. One of the original reasons I was drawn to anarcho-communism, is because I had initially wanted to learn about communist theory and economic practice. Instead...

  • Let People Finish Their Book

    This blog post isn’t a specific jab at anyone, but rather the community around comics. A lot of people in this side of comics, treat comics more like they’re CD and DVD movie cases, rather than stories in their own right. They also treat creators who want to finish their...

  • The Interplay Between Perpetual Copywrite And The Comics Code

    This blog post will be about the issue of copywrite / trademark ownership, and the interplay with comic book censorship. Although this isn’t about the censorship you might be thinking of, specifically if you’re in the Regression portion of the left. Rather my issue is how there had been a...