Table Of Contents

When Fina and Nine reached the end of the hallway, they heard a voice in the dark of the dimly lit walkway. Fina was careful so as not to say anything, but Nina made the unfortunate mistake of speaking with her voice, even if it was only very quiet in th e room. They heard a chuckle within the distance, and then the sound of a mixture of laughter and snorting. The boot steps were walking closer, until eventually they saw a figure in silhouette, that which wearing a dark hood. The sound of squeeking was also heard, and even the rat within the prison were smart enough to stay away from the figure. The figure had the darkest red eyes they had ever seen, darker still than the black abyss that was the skeletons head in the cell from which they have escaped. “Who goes there, there is not suppose to be any prisoners out here.” the skeleton soldier said. Fina and Nina wanted to maintain the illusion that they were simply a figment of the skeleton man’s imagination.

Fina tried to hold Nina hands, they walked into the other direction. But the sounds of their wooden shoes betrayed them, and gave them away. “It’s you, it’s the prisoners we captured in order to rebel against the lord of death.” Fina turned around the dark figure running toward them. She jerked Nina’s hand violently, and they starting running through the hall. As they ran they began to start heaving heavily and heavily, until eventually they felt like his breath was upon them. But Fina turned around, he was far enough away so that they could find some sort of hiding spot away from the skeleton soldier and his henchman, that he beckoned with scythe. Eventually they found an alleyway. Rats had followed them, and directed them to his direction down the alleyway. It was to dimly lit, and the skeleton man could not see where they had gone. “After them, after them you stupid skeleton ghoul.”

“Wait here, I’ll go distract him.” Rats said. One of the girls, Fina -- tried to stop from by holding his shoulder. “Don’t worry, even the gods of death fear me. I’m the only one that can kill them.” And the young boyish figure jump in front of the skeleton man, and shot a fireball in the direction of the skeleton guard. The skeleton guard burned to a crisp. He then warped into several rats, and his different aspects of his form began to knew at the ghoul until it died. “It’s it safe to come out now?” Nina said. Fina covered her mouth, as she did not want her presence to give their presence away to anyone else.

“We need to hurry, the skeleton King is waiting up stairs.”

Fina wondered how the young boy shadow knew this.

“Oh, I’m able to read the minds of those that exist in my god dom.” The shadow boy said. And then Fina directed Nina to walk with her and him through the hall. Until eventually they reached the soldiers quarters, “Stay there, I’ll go fend them out.” Fina acted like she understood, while Nina did not know why she should not join in with the fight. “You’ll understand when your older.”

The shadow boy killed the soldiers, directed them to the skeleton King’s cell. And then eventually they saw him waiting, and shaking in the dark. “Took you girls long enough,” the skeleton man said. “I was just getting ready to eat my soup.” Then when Grim saw the quadruo so easily kill the guards, as he was looking through his crystal ball -- “I need more guards, send in my best men.” the grim reaper said.” Beside Grim, was the living decapitated head of Airaca, he was staring vacantly into the crystal ball. Please try to defeat those guards, don’t let us be paralyzed in vein.

Eventually Fina, Nina, Rats, and Grim bursted through the guards. And then eventually was able to apprehend the Grim Reaper, the son of Grim. “What’s the meaning of this!?” the grim reaper said. His father, who’s eyes were that of a flaming red, said to Grim.

“We need to talk about your rebelliousness,” Grim’s father then motioned for the girls to be taken back to the living world by Banaecia. “Banaecia, open the portal. I will take care of my son.” And then the dark angel girl opened the portal for the two girls. And then they fell through a worm hole, and woke back up in the coffin. The girls then went back outside. The winter fires have been colded out by the wind.

“I wonder where Banaecia went?”

“I don’t care, I want to be home.”