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Chapter 6 Bernina

When Lucas was directing the cart through the snow, he had a hard time getting through the road. For there were many hills to get through. There were a few times that the cart was almost tilt, causing the girls to scream wildly. Fina herself had a hard time holding onto her binoculars as they road along the trail to the fare. “Sorry girls, the rides a little bit bumpy.”

“Can you work on your temper, I can’t read.” Bernina said. Lucas resisted the temptation to tell his wife that perhaps she should not have have taken the book with her during the trp trip to the fare. “Now then, what page was I one.” Eventually the carriage began to settle down, and the girls were able to fall asleep. Bernina was just a few pages in, when the cart hopped again.

“Welp, there goes the bunny rabbit.” Lucas said.

“Omg Lucas, do you hit another animal?” Bernina said. She then went back to reading. “Can you check on the girls to see if they are ok?”

“Sure thing dear.” said Lucas, he only merely tilted his head. “They must be sleeping.”

“Lazy bones, have a good rest dears.”

Eventually they reached the gate to the entrance of the winter fire fare. They rode their cart until they got really close to it, and then parked their horses to the side. They exited the cart, and then after a while Bernina noticed that the girls were not coming out of the cart. “Lucas, look for the girls for me. I’m going to go warm my hands at the huge bon fire.’

He looked around and around the cart, but could not find the girls. I guess they must be at the fare grounds, he thought. And so he walked through the gate to go warm his hands by the winter bone fire.

“Where you able to find the girls dear?” said Bernina.

“No, I figured they were hear.” said Lucas. She hit him in the face with her hat.

“Idiot! Idiot! Look all over and find the girls.”

They looked around and around and eventually they looked for so long that eventually they gave up the search and simply hoped that they would arrived at the fare.