Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

A Bond Stronger Than Guns And Canons

At ease Comrades.
The day of rest has arrived.
For we are chosen to inherit
the fruits of our ancestors past.

Will you join in our last stand,
And make our freedoms last?
May our reign last for one thousand,
eight thousand years.
Until the last speck of dust,
withers into the sands of time.

We are the bakers with baguettes,
and the farmers who grow cherry trees.
From the fields of glory to the distant pastures.
Let our freedoms last for many generations.
We were once slaves to distant lands from East to West,
With languages not our own.
Yet here we our survivors after the fall of Rome,
We don't need kings or masters,
because we our the masters of our own dominion.

We are the bakers with baguettes,
and the farmers who grow cherry trees.
From the fields of glory to the distant pastures.
Let our freedoms last for many generations.
Those in other land may have guns and canons,
yet we have something much stronger that is a lasting bond,
Based on common values that blends
our parents from distant lands.

Though we our from Europe and from Asia,
We need be limited to this, for we are "Cool Japan",
Not Cruel France, with their imperial enablers in the East.
