Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Secret Circus

Secret Circus
in the center of town hiding.
Secret Circus,
the weeping willow crying
in a secret part of circus
with guillotines and gallows.
Secret Circus.

The midnight moon
hovering overhead...
broken by ravens.

In this secret circus, where the clowns tap dance,
And Raggity Ann dolls in Birkenstocks
Wind up the midnight clocks at midnight hour,
the bagguette thief is placed in the stocks.
A droning accordion hums its tones.
THe demons leap out from the keyboard,
Like evil children coming out to play.
With hair over their eyes, beckoning you to the television.

Secret Circus
in the center of town hiding.
Secret Circus,
the weeping willow crying
in a secret part of circus
with guillotines and gallows.v Secret Circus.

Built over by
modern Frenchmen, a toast
to beheaded...

In the years gone by.
But don't forget the children.
With the hair over their eyes,
Because the secret circus shall rise again.
