Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Anti-Features On The Net

– They call them anti-features.

– A nifty slogan.

– It wasn't a term I made up.

– Then how did you think of it?

– It was a yarn Richard Stallman spun.

She had been involved in the free software community for some time, until very recently when she got back into doing comics. She almost completely lost interest in doing Artificial Intelligence, do to the way some companies pretended to be fully transparent, while in practice encouraging the exact opposite of transparency. In this case, they preached complete and total transparency of the artificial intelligence industry. It was impossible to have a real conversation about Artificial Intelligence development in the community, and do she had largely left this space.

But recently she had met someone who wanted her to learn how to develop on the blockchain, there own specific variety. She had never developed on the blockchain before, and somewhat feared whether she might accidentally program anti-features that would crash the performance of it. But the people that brought her own in the Telegram channel seemed sincere, despite them being the same people that would get onto her about being off topic in the community section. It was interesting that a lot of these people were equally unsatisfied with the situation, and that they themselves felt the pinch of not being able to have technical discussions. When she had tried out the interface on the Ethereum network using metamask, she already found a major anti-feature that caused the website to come to a screeching halt. Sometimes it would take the entire evening, even past dinner time, for the computer to completely unfreeze. And yet there was suppose to be the shopping network where she would get Artificial Intelligence software packages, rather than simply make some for herself on different Gitea instances.

She had originally wanted to be an AI developer, and would dream about Robots battling other robots in underground caves, often shaped like giant bear dogs, that made a difference who won during the war between Japan and France in the American territories. She would see a first person perspective of a war dog robot, as it fired lasers from its mouth. There would have been a feature where the AI would target specific enemies, and the entire navigation system would be based around an Active Time Turn Based structure that made traveling the roguelike world based on a time meter, generally based on the amount of Agility each character had, and done across the whole navigation, rather than as part of the battle system.

But ultimately she decided to pursue the path of Artificial Intelligence, as this had a more direct path to helping her with her writing career, and helping her eventually develop a satisfactorally sentient that might have defined as not being General, but they tended to use the word General incorrectly anyway.

Although her future as a developer was uncertain, at least she knew others experienced issues in that channel.

For her this was enough.

The theater was closer to a three dimensional space exploration of the cosmos. Rather than a traditional production, it was placed on a circular platform, with the bleachers circling around its rim. The audience, mostly university students, spend their off hours watching science fiction and fantasy from different angles, with the new theater having characters that are fully rotational within the context of the play.

Sketching, in this context, has moved toward using virtual reality sketch in all three dimensions, leading to artists having to think in a slightly different way than sketching on paper. Although there is still a subset of artists that still use paper and ink. Rather than eliminating print, it has come to exist side by side with this new medium. In the audience, someone disillussioned by anarcho-communism, notices something strange about one of the drawn characters the actor was voicing, with them spazzing out in glitch mode, similar to a character in a three dimensional video game. Eventually the character collapsed, which seemed to go off script for the play. – I'm very sorry people, we will have to postpone the rest of the play. Said one of the announcers.

It seemed like every play the ex-com visiting, it was always like this. It different matter what show they went to, there would be an actor that would spaz out, and having to take a space flight back to Earth just to get medical care to continue the show. Those who attended would be given the next half of the show free of cost, with them offered cryogenic hotel reservations to continue the show the next day.

– Her Ada, do you always have to ask that?

– Ask what?

– You always check on the actress.

– And do nothing?

– Just assume things will be fine.

She remembered back when she had lived with an ex room mate, participating in other activist circles, and it had effected to some degree her ability to trust people that engage in social activism, yet it seemed apparent that despite all their talk, not a single one of them would actually check on an actor or actress in a live audience production. They never cared if someone had a mental breakdown at the edge of space. The activists would probably still treat space flight as if it were a privilege, despite the fact that it had become almost mainstream over the last decade.

The cryogenic chamber, she lets her mind escape all previous thought of the event, if only to keep her own sanity. For at the end of the day, checking to see if an actor or actress was OK was all she could do.

But activists held up their hands to it.

– Your space flight is privilege.
