Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Vengeful Angels

Locked Bleachers
in a broken down high school.
Locked Bleachers
covered in blood on floor.
Severed heads of students
fill the bleachers in seats.
Locked Bleachers.

To think that all they
did was upset the Dean
with his odd brow.

Broken angels
with armor like golden dress.
Broken angels
with their firm caress, murder
the toxic dean with crossbow.v And hung his body on hoops.
Broken angels.

All the dead come
back as tall zombies
with head sewn on.
All the dead girls with
their armored dress
and Birkenstocks.

And mangle the Dean further.

Locked Bleachers
in a broken down high school.
Locked Bleachers
covered in blood on floor.
Severed heads of students
fill the bleachers in seats.
Locked Bleachers.

But at this schoolyard,
the broken angels teach themselves.
