Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

The Dolphin's Leid

"Dolphin's Sonnet. The mammal that squeeks in ocean. Dolphin's sonnet, once a human from world of life, now a creature in dark. Flippers from here to space. Dolphin's sonnet."

The man with the black fedora said, as he snatch one more soul, lowering that thing once a human, into the plot. And into the abyss the corpse fell. It was another week of reaping corpses, this time a young girl who died of syphilis. And the previous weeks it was more of the same. And with his Dolphin mask, hopped onto his boat, and went into the world of the dead. The dolphin man in black living in a house that floated in an underground lake, and above was a graveyard in the style the French had brought over when that had colonized the US. Every time there was a new resident, the new one would morph into a humanoid form, and into a dolphin with a wolf's face. Their primary diet being grey scaled rabbits that would hop out of the underground lakes. Some say these pointed ear fish are what remains of previous pets, with few pets remaining in their origins forms once they acclimate to a life underground.

The man in the Dolphin suit always dreaded traveling in the catacombs of stalagmites, that would hover menacingly above the lake, looming over as if they might drop and penetrate those swimming below at any moment. For despite being no longer of the world of the living, Dolphin Wolves were still made of fleshed, and nobody liked to be the mess that some other fin would have to clean up, until they can eventually regain their shape. Between graveyard it was often only three years in actual time, but the swim made it feel like it would take a day and half. And time passed slower underground than on the surface, where a black cat awaited those who visit the graveyard for one last time. In ages past, scientists speculated there were oceans on the moon, but this was innaccurate. It was a misremembering of when they had previously been dead and in Dolphin form, where they could recall the many tunnels of H20 that connected various cities. It was a time when man still believed in flying space zombies, never considering the idea of mortality being more of a transitionary state:

"One persons ashes, Two persons long misery. Eternal darkness."

It was the Dolphin man's job, with his black fedora, and his distressed leather coat, to lead those of stinky bloat, to where they can take on new form so that the transition between life to another life can continue to take its natural course. And when he visited one of the graveyards, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, he recalled two girls playing jump rope, despite that fact that most normal people of their age, would avoid the place. But without parents to take care of them, this was as close to having a home as they could ever get. So he never bothered taking them to the world of connected lakes and mine shafts, but he would find a rabid coal miner that would attempt to attack his guests with a pick ax, and they were often the most difficult to fend off. But it was made easier by the fact that Dolphin Man was the one person that could not transition to new lives, and simply remain in a constant state somewhere between human, wolf, and dolphin. And once his mask was taken off, this would quickly reduce the deranged mine workers into trembling messes.

The last girl that he had reaped, was the second to the last, and he was curious how the girl would handle being the only one left, ever sense the death of both of their parents on the surface world. Old Hollywood movies never went that far into the decomposition process, and as far as most mortals knew, humans would slowly melt the flesh off their bones, which would be the only bits of matter that is left, besides the ones that opted to be cremated. The ones that kept their bodies in tact were able to reincarnate, and be reborn into new bodies, but those who became ashes, would wonder as floated Myst under the Earth for eternity. Some opted to become permanently crystalized, but when dumped it all goes to essentially the same place. And without a body to tell the craftsman who the myst is, it was a guess to find what out what family lineage the mysted ones belonged to, and thus it could be many decades of aimless searching, just to find out the right family to rebirth the spirit into. Assuming they ever get reborn at all.

This was one of those girls, whose voice echoed throughout the mine shafts, and would drift up into the graveyard at night.

But the girl, whom the Dolphin Man knows only as "Madam Myst", would help and guide his passage through the lakes, when he could barely see. And it was this that the Dolphin man came to wander into the next graveyard, with no clear task for the evening, and running into the one remaining child that continued to be alive despite the passing of her girlfriend. The girl, presumably now sixteen, dressed not to dissimilar from the man in the fedora, with a Dolphin man.

"I've seen this wreched face before, This face that I have once adored. After the moonlight, you take people away. And yet I remain here to see you." said she.

"You need not fear me, for we have met before. Your friend died with no pain, And talks fondly of you. From her guiding finger, to her windy snore."

The young girl, illuminated by the glow of the lamp light, walked closer to the Dolphin man.

"Dolphin's Sonnet. The mammal that squeaks in ocean. Dolphin's sonnet, once a human from world of life, now a creature in dark. Flippers from here to space. Dolphin's sonnet." said the Dolphin man.

"Why not take me, To the world of dolphin's leid? So I can hold her."

And with that, he remembered why it was he never bothered to reap this one spirit. Whom would hang out at the graveyard every night, from sundown to moonlight. From the pain of wooden shoes, to her unkempt hair, he found there was no pleasure in taking someone so young and beautiful. Whom had still very much of a life to live. For the Dolphin man, this was somewhat unusual, as normal he shed no tears for the living, either do to be old enough to come with him, or being murderers. But for this girl, her only sin was to visit her girlfriend's plot by midnight.

"You look like you've barely eaten dear".

"And what have you to offer me?"

"I have these."

"But doesn't your kind not eat mortal food?"

"Well I'm not entirely mortal or immortal."

The girl took the snacks graciously, and then stared up at the Dolphin man.

"Where do you go, after your job is done?"

"To a land of a thousand rivers."

"That sound absolutely beautiful."

"It is my dear, but it is not your time yet. But once it's up, we all go to this land of rivers. And was we decompose, we become like Dolphins in the ocean. And wolves in the forest. And those will eventually be reborn. But your girlfriend..."

"You said she went smoothly."

"Yes, but she was cremated. At tradition from the East Coast US brought from Japan. Yet it creates issues when guiding spirits to their new life."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Well there is one way, but those who come might never return."

"It's not like I have anything to lose."

And with this she took his guiding hands.

And sung the Dolphin's Leid.
