Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Three Minutes Early

It was a long lonely night, in bed sleeping till the morning would come. What felt like forever in bed, would turn out to be something totally different. I got up, put on my loafers. Then walked into the kitchen in order to see what was going on. I slowly closed the door, and felt like something was missing. Although I could not particularly put my finger on what. In the kitchen, I paused. Rubbed my eyes, then walked over to make sure I got a hard look at the clock that had the digital time: it was three six. All fine and good. After going back to bed I slept for some more. Then woke up again for what should have been an hour later.

At the clock, was another time. Three minutes behind the previous time that I had checked the clock. At the moment I merely took this as some vision fluke as I had been known to have visions issues where I thought I saw something else, but turned out be another thing. I hoped that made day would go normally after this particular strange incedent. Things would go differently.

At work my coworkers said that I was three minutes early, that I was not suppose to be there yet. My employer took this as a sign my work ethic would hopefully improve. as I had been nothing but a tired stoog a lot of the time while I mopped the floors. The whole day was out of whack, yet I had no explanation for it. The time I would have my break was still the normal time of course. But my employer told me I had to take my break at the normal time tommorrow, or he would have to tweak the schedule. After I got home, things continued to be out of whack. I ate dinner three minutes early. Which was still a normal time. If you were to ask neighbors when they ate, it would not be a particularly abnormal time. Only I knew that I normally ate three minutes later.

More weird stuff, I tried turning on my favorite television programming. Yet it would not be on for another three minutes. Something must have warped microscopic whole in space time, or something. I have no technology to prove this though. I took my medicine at what felt biology like the normal time. Yet the medicine would not activate for another three minutes.

The next day mostly progressed normally, but things were different. I would have normally been three minutes for my late, as I had forgotten I had time. Yet this warp in space time, enabled me to be on time for the first time in my life. We were able to have a conversation, she told me his it was unusual that I arrived in a non fashionably late time frame. Dinner felt like it was taking an unusual amount of time to cook. I thought it would be out soon, yet it would another three minutes.

I allowed Ella inside my apartment, we had drinks. Things progressed normally for the rest of the night.

It was two minutes in the future, three minutes behind twelve fifteen. By now I would otherwise be having my cup of coffee. Instead now I want to go to the library. I wonder if they are open this early. I suppose it would not hurt to try to see if they are open. I have always wondered if they open right on the dot, or if perhaps it was always three minutes early or behind.

The book I hold in my hand is slightly less old than if I arrived here in normal time. Something must have happened. I'd like to call my girlfriend about last night. My sense of is so out of whack, I don't even remember if I had planned to cell her today. There was something I had on my mind, something that happened during the date. Yet I forgot. I take my book with me right around what would ordinarily be closing time. Yet the time time enables me to still be able to check it out.

At home I can sense the small bit the shelf has not aged. I can smell it. Lunch time, three minutes early. Maybe I can use this time experience in a way to give myself the social advantage. I'm not a runner, so I can't toy with the time displacement. Weekend is coming up, maybe I can experiment a little bit.

At the grocery store, I walk through the sliding glass door. Got myself a basket, right around closing time. If I had been even three minutes later, I would have not been able to get groceries. It was a bargain deal day. I wanted not delay. I wonder what is causing the time issue. Are my friends experiencing it? I grab what I need and leave.

I was able to return the book fashionable early. Got myself another book. "If you had be any late, I would have had to charge you." the female librarian said. I simply smiled, and said I was fashionable like that. I was able to get home just on time for my television show.

Something was happening, that seemed to have continued since I woke up. At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. It was not something you could test, and I could prove it. I was simply three minutes early.
