Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Circus Of Cybernetics

Once upon a
a midnight dream I witness
trophy heads upon
a wall at cozy circus.
But without clowns of blood.

"Can you help us find our bodies,
Or do you think we're nobodies?",
they say, beckoning me forth.

In this cozy circus
there were cybernetics.

In this midnight dream
was the national razor
with a freshly severed head.
But it was not a murderer or a clown.

"Can you help me find my body,
Or do you think I'm a nobody?",
the severed head said.

A severed head,
of some previous tourist.
She stole some cotton candy,
and a pair of wooden shoes.

As I turned around,
this was no circus, but an office,
For preserving heads
of tourists, thinking it was a stageshow,
Of clowns without a presence.

All those heads follow me around,
starring at me from the walls.
Cybernetic girls without their robot bodies.

And once new body built,
Wore strange wooden shoes.
My cybernetic clown dream girls.
