Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

In the sky, clouds
rise above. Shrouds
The air green
ruptures spleen,
To think that life,
with all its worry

In the past, if one
can long for it today,
Was once clean
with green all over.
Yet now that time has
faded from memory.

Once can clap and hope
for roses in the garden.

Yet this hope is
for naught, we are rot
rotting on this Earth.

Id would like
to give a less bleak
picture, but no.

That would be dishonest.
That would be dishonest.

For we our the rot on
this dying toxic Earth.

In the sky, clouds
rise above. Shrouds
The air green
ruptures spleen,
To think that life,
with all its worry

No prayers can save us now,
on this rotting Earth.
