Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Midnight Chilly, Morning Rains

Midnight chilly / morning rains.
The lunar sky is glowing bright / and by daybreak the sunlight looms.
Midnight chilly / morning rains.
Shadows along the curbside / fade to memory come day.
Midnight chilly / morning rains.
If I can hope to dream / perhaps the shadows will fade.
And yet at night I waken from / the noise in basement.
There are footsteps tapping / that keep me wrapping on door.
Midnight chilly / morning rains.

Go away shadows
that keep me from my dreams.
terror melts away.

I want dreams / I want sleep.
And yet it's come from my bed / yet the doctor says I shuffle.
I want dreams / I want sleep.
The doctor says I shuffle from / the depths inside my head.
I want dreams / I want sleep.
I simply want the all terror / to melt away, melt away
into the darkness of torment / that haunts one mind to next.
I want dreams / I want sleep.

Go away shadows
that keep me from my dreams.
terror melts away.
