Father Out Of Time And Other Stories

Mutual Intelligibility

– So Korean is basically Japanese rotated 13 shifts?

– Of course not, why would you think that?

– Well I got that a Free Software Developer.

– Likely source.

Japan and Korea had been bitter enemies since world war II, although why this rivalry lasted to the immigration to America, this was not entirely clear. Sometimes you would find Japanese-Americans and Korean-Americans that still held that old sense of rivalry, despite near generation of millennial even knowing what the inside of a prison looks like, and not experiencing racism to the same degree other minorities did, unless of course you asked a leftist, in which exclusively the middle class white man was the one that experienced no discrimination and victimization.

In this way, both TERFs and the Far Left merged in this deceptively unlikely way. The Far Left and Far Right also merged in terms of the way they expected their adherents to take their ideology as if it were gospel. This was why the person that originally asked if Korean and Japanese had some mutual intelligibly, wondered what the real reason was she was called racist for even asking. It used to be you could ask whether Portuguese food was similar to Spanish food, and other things, and the only people that would get upset were first generation immigrants. This is why the programmer developed the theory that instead of genuine discrimination, the majority of Japanese-Americans and Korean-Americans, were simply being told to feel victimized by the far-left. This was why it was initially strange to her to find ones that believed in classical liberalism.

But given, in the past, people's tendency to vote against their own interests, this probably should have been much less of a surprise than it was. This was why it was incrediply hard to move toward the enlightened center, despite holding onto much of her far left wing values, like worker-coops, and so forth. She wanted to become a small business owner, but found that it was impossible to keep her professional and personal life separate on certain platforms, because Leftists kept harassing her online, with them not viewing a distinction. You would have leftists interrogating her about her loyalty to worker-cooperatives, and other stuff, while still trying to build an author brand. It eventually got to the point where she didn't even get peace for wanting to write about her experience with immigrants, despite the fact that leftist eventually became just as bad as leftists, creating a kind of new social hierarchy of victim-hood. For example, in recent months, with the creation of Chaz and Chop in Washington State, they began developing segregation zone between races organized by black people. She wondered then, whether she could even make a joke about Mexican girls being hot in Birkenstocks. Or Asian girls for that matter. Feeling constantly on edge, with people other than herself wanting to be the exclusive owners of ideological dogma, she left the political world with most of her old anxieties unnecessarily aggravated.

Even now, she refuses to use certain parts of the fediverse, because they still overly used the economy of victim hood, rather than genuine measures of worth and scale. So now all she could was talk about comics, and her old interest in Japanese-manga. But even with this the far-left has found something to complain about.

It's almost as if it weren't about persecution.

But rather finding reasons to be a victim.

Yet now here she was, dreaming about the desire to blow an apartment building, because it was populated by ex Free Software developers, with her asking them whether it was OK to speak Japanese, and not French, and when finding out they were Korean-immigrants, lectured about asking whether Japanese and Korean was mutually intelligible.

Nowhere was safe online.

It mattered not the topic.
